Tokyo’s Deadly Duo: Agent Mayaku Takes Down Sinjyuku Drug Syndicate
Title: Tokyo Drug Syndicate: The Intense Hunt Begins
Description: Join the formidable Kirisawa Rei and Izumi Fuko, the renowned Mayaku Tokuso agents, as they embark on a thrilling drug-crime investigation in futuristic Tokyo. In the year 2054, they receive crucial information about the infamous 12 Angels, a syndicate they have relentlessly pursued. Determined to bring them down, the agents seize the opportunity to infiltrate Sinjyuku, a perilous district rumored to house the syndicate’s secret stronghold. However, unbeknownst to them, a sinister trap awaits, orchestrated by the cunning boss Kiryu. Brace yourself for an action-packed tale of revenge, betrayal, and survival as these agents face their deadliest mission yet. Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping ride through the dark underbelly of Tokyo’s criminal underworld.