The Pervy Protagonist’s Magical Smartphone of Lust
In this episode of the hentai video, “Smartphone of Love”, we follow the story of Majime Masato, an average and perverted student at Ichisakura Academy. After saving a black cat named Shami, Majime receives a magical smartphone that transforms him into the most perverted student in the world. With Ichisakura Academy boasting a reputation for having top-three average female bust sizes in the nation, Majime is spoiled for choice. Equipped with various apps, like the “Door to the Women’s Bath” and the “Cock Cursor”, Majime explores his newfound abilities to pleasure and indulge in his wildest fantasies. Will he be able to fulfill his desire of impregnating all the girls at the academy? Find out what fate awaits Majime in this tantalizing episode.