The Falling Neighbor’s Comical Coexistence
Experience the comical and tantalizing adventures of Aikawa Sousuke, a part-time worker residing in a cramped and dilapidated apartment. When an unexpected creaking sound emerges from his ceiling, Sousuke’s mundane existence takes an arousing turn. Unyuu Sunao, the resident from the apartment directly above, plummets through a newly formed hole in the ceiling, landing enticingly on Sousuke’s bed. From that moment on, Sousuke and Sunao find themselves entangled in a hilarious and seductive cohabitation arrangement. Delve into their spirited escapades as these unlikely roommates navigate a world filled with laughter, unexpected encounters, and sizzling desire. Explore the unconventional bond forged between Sousuke and Sunao as their lives intertwine in this enchanting and bewitching tale.