Teacher’s Witchy Mansion: A Pupil’s Magical Encounter
Discover the tantalizing tale of Morino Yuuko, an unsuspecting teacher with a hidden enchanting secret. Beyond her ordinary appearance lies a bewitching mansion nestled atop a scenic hill. Unbeknownst to many, she possesses extraordinary powers as a witch. In a twist of fate, Tachibana Ichirou, one of her students, stumbles upon this captivating revelation. Intrigued by her mystical abilities, he embarks on a daring journey to witness her magic firsthand. Brace yourself for a spellbinding encounter as these two unlikely companions dive into a world filled with sorcery and forbidden desires. delves into the forbidden desires and bewitching encounters that await them. Surrender to the allure of this thrilling tale as secrets unravel, and passions ignite under the spellbinding influence of Morino Yuuko’s magic.