Talent, Secrets, and Lust: Shusaku’s Naughty Symphony
Experience the groundbreaking h-series that revolutionized adult animation! This popular series, comprised of three separate titles – Isaku, Shisaku, and Kisaku – delves into the dark and twisted world of the sadistic brothers they are named after. Filled with violence, perversion, and intense lust, these episodes explore hardcore sex and explore a range of unusual sexual fetishes. In this first installment, Isaku, the girls’ dormitory at Shukusei Music Academy becomes a hotbed of scandalous activity. Behind closed doors, screams, moans, and whispers fill the air as the school handy-man, Shusaku, discovers and exploits the dirty secrets of these talented young musicians. Watch as he blackmailes them into engaging in scandalous private performances in a story that challenges boundaries and pushes the limits of erotic animation.