Next-Door Temptations: Childhood Friends Reunite!
In this captivating hentai episode, follow the story of Tsukui Shinichi, an ordinary student in his senior year. When his long-lost childhood friend, Ayase Aoi, moves in next-door and transfers to his school, Shinichi’s memory of her becomes hazy, much to her dismay. As Aoi’s stunning beauty catches the attention of Shinichi’s comic sidekick, Yamashita Satoshi, and the school’s playboy, Kanzaki Kotoro, a love triangle begins to unfold. Meanwhile, Shinichi finds himself engaging in steamy encounters with other students, such as the clumsy and energetic Fujiro Mami, the seductive Ebina Mika, and the elegant Flower Arrangement Club president, Hayama Reiko. Join Shinichi on his quest for true love as he navigates through thrilling relationships and ultimately finds his destiny.