Mysterious Disappearance: The Hunt for Tokito’s Truth
Set in the Taisho era, “Mikagura Tokito: The Mysterious Disappearance” follows the story of a renowned detective agency director, Mikagura Tokito, who mysteriously vanishes after an accident. Filled with concern and admiration, Tomoe, Shigeno, and Chizuru embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind his disappearance. When they learn that Tokito was last seen at a church abroad, their hope for a reunion quickly turns into shock as they stumble upon a lifeless priest with severed arms. Convinced that this grisly discovery is connected to Tokito’s fate, the trio begins their own investigation. But danger lurks – as they delve deeper into the case, they find themselves under attack. Will they locate Tokito amidst the perilous circumstances? Find out in this thrilling hentai mystery.