Intense Crime, Hot Romance! Tokyo’s Private Police Adventure!
In the futuristic and crime-ridden streets of New Tokyo City, the police force has been reduced to a mere shell of its former self. In this lawless society, individuals must turn to private security companies for protection. One such company is Tokio Private Police, who not only rescues their clients from all forms of villainy but also indulges in their own personal desires. Manager Shibata, having a scandalous affair with the new captain of the mobile police force, provides inspiration to his officers. Among them is Noriko Ibuki, a tomboyish recruit searching for love within her team. Follow the trials and tribulations of this quirky group of mecha enthusiasts, frustrated new recruits, and insatiable nymphomaniacs in Tokio Private Police. Brace yourself as this heartwarming story unfolds, filled with love, friendship, and steamy encounters that go beyond the call of duty.