Forbidden Lust: Isaku, Shisaku, and Kisaku’s Sadistic Odyssey
Experience the groundbreaking h-series that revolutionized adult animation! This immensely popular series, consisting of three different anime titles – Isaku, Shisaku, and Kisaku – explores the dark and twisted world of the sadistic brothers they are named after. Filled with scenes of violence, perversion, and lust, each episode offers a tantalizing glimpse into hardcore sex and unusual sexual fetishes. In this installment, Kisaku takes center stage, delivering even more intense and gratifying encounters. Prepare for an exhilarating ride as Kisaku pushes the limits of pleasure, while Shusaku’s position at an all girls’ school introduces a whole new level of debauchery and forbidden desires. Brace yourself for a captivating journey filled with relentless seduction and scandalous acts that will leave you begging for more.