Extreme Lust and Sadistic Revenge: The Hentai Legacy of Shusaku and Kisaku
Experience the groundbreaking adult animation series that has redefined the genre with its explicit scenes of violence, perversion, and intense sexual fetishes. This immensely popular h-series comprises three separate anime titles: Isaku, Shisaku, and Kisaku, each centered around the sadistic brothers they are named after. In Shusaku, the second installment, the deranged protagonist, Shusaku, takes on the role of resident manager Kato, subjecting the unsuspecting girls in the dormitory to unimaginable humiliation. But his twisted plans are thwarted by the insightful Eri Takabe, forcing Shusaku to embark on a path of revenge that brings forth an even darker nightmare for the girls. Brace yourself for a spine-chilling spectacle filled with lust and debauchery as the old man’s masochism unfolds, leaving the beautiful girls bewildered and entranced. It’s showtime for the ultimate man’s fantasy! Don’t miss out on this extreme revival from ELF, the studio that revolutionized adult animation!