Bodacious Bodyguard’s Steamy Seduction
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru: Twinkle Stars is a highly anticipated hentai adaptation of the popular anime series. Produced by Showtek Studio in collaboration with anime retailer Getchu, this steamy release is set to captivate audiences in the summer of 2022. The story revolves around Hisoka, an orphan who finds himself adopted by the wealthy owner of a multinational corporation. Tasked with the role of being a bodyguard for the owner’s daughter, Orihime, Hisoka’s life takes a tantalizing turn as he navigates his desires and the boundaries of forbidden love. Prepare for a passionate and provocative experience as Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru: Twinkle Stars promises to deliver an enticing blend of romance and eroticism.