Newmanoid Cam and the Perverted Cosplay Encounters
In this exciting new hentai episode, based on the manga by Urotan, set in the year 2030 A.D., a unique race has emerged to combat the rising tide of heinous crimes. These genetically enhanced beings, called “Newmans,” possess incredible strength and are a fusion of man and beast. The story revolves around Cam Castin, a Newmanoid created by Professor Juubei Yanagisawa, who has a deep admiration for Scott, a dedicated policeman. As they work together to maintain public order, Cam and Scott find themselves undercover at an event, where they hope to investigate a series of crimes. However, things take a steamy turn when Cam gets separated from Scott and attracts the attention of a group of perverts. Get ready for thrilling encounters and intense passion in this exciting new release from PIXY x CORE MAGAZINE. Don’t miss out on the limited edition Newmanoid Cam adult manga bonus!